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Business at AVP

Welcome to the AVP’s Right-to-Know request center. In accordance with the Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Law of 2008, the following is the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport’s (Airport) policy for requests for public records.

Right-to-Know Request Form

All public records requests must be filed in writing. Click here to download a Right-to-Know Request Form to e-mail, mail or fax to our attention. Forms e-mailed, mailed or faxed must be legible so that we can move forward with your request as efficiently as possible.

Email Form to:
Mail Form to:
Fax Form to:
*Subject Line must state: “Right-to-Know Request”
AVP Executive Director
Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport
100 Terminal Drive, Suite 1
Avoca, PA 18641
*Please include a cover sheet addressed to the attention of the AVP Executive Director

The Executive Director will do the following upon receipt of your request for a public record:

  • Make note of when your information request is received
  • Determine the appropriate response under the Right-to-Know law
  • Return a response to your information request within five (5) business days
The Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport may charge for the following fees with regard to a request for a public document:
  1. The actual cost of postage.
  2. Fees for photocopying, printing from electronic media or microfilm, copying onto electronic media, transmission by fax or other electronic means, and other means of duplication. The Office of Open Records for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has the option to establish fees for agencies such as the Airport, and if the Office of Open Records establishes such fees, then the Airport must charge fees based on those established by that Office.
  3. The Airport may impose reasonable fees for official certification for copies, if the certification is at the request of the requester and for the purpose of legally verifying the public record.
  4. If a record is only maintained electronically or in other non-paper media, duplication fees shall be limited to the lesser of the fees for duplication on paper or the fee for duplication in the original media, unless the requester specifically requests for the record to be duplicated in the more expensive median.
  5. Prior to granting a request for access to a public record, the Airport may require the requester to prepay an estimate of the fees authorized under the Law, if the fees required to fulfill the request are expected to exceed $100.00.
Questions regarding our Right-to-Know Request for public information policies can be addressed to:

AVP Executive Director
Please note: Subject Line must state: “Right-to-Know Request”

If a written request is denied or deemed denied, the requester may file an appeal in writing to:

Office of Open Records
Commonwealth Keystone Building
400 North Street
Plaza Level
Harrisburg, PA 17120-0225