Pilot Information
Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport (AVP)
Charts: New York VFR Sectional, L24, L25
Contact: Williamsport AFSS
AVP Coordinates: LAT – N41-20.29′; LONG – W75-43.46′
Field Elevation: 962′
Hours of Operation: 24 hours
NOTE TO PILOTS: Please refer to the current Airport/Facility Directory, Northeast US, and NOTAMs for the most current, latest facilities status and information. The following is presented for general information only.
AVP Airport Status: Click here for current airport status provided by the FAA Air Traffic Control System
Defense Internet NOTAM Service: Click here to get the current NOTAMs (Type “KAVP”)
Special Interest NOTAMs: General Aviation Pilots are reminded to check the special interest NOTAMS.
AVP is located in Northeastern Pennsylvania, 5NM Southwest of Scranton, Pennsylvania; mid-way between Scranton and Wilkes-Barre. AVP is an FAR Part 139 Certificated Airport and as such, all airport flight facilities and systems are maintained in strict compliance with Part 139 standards. All runways, taxiways and ramps are well maintained, marked and lighted in accordance with FAA standards.
AVP is served by a 24 hour Air Traffic Control Tower and Radar Approach Control as well as maintaining a 24 hour ARFF Level B emergency response capability and armed security force. The Airport is also noted for its superb 24 hour snow and ice removal capabilities. U.S. Customs also maintains an office on Airport and is capable of 24 hour response. The Airport also has an on-Airport Customs Broker (CSI, Inc.).
AVP has two active runways:
RW4-22: Primary precision instrument runway, length 7,501′ x 150′ wide grooved asphalt.
RW4 has:
MALSR approach lighting system
high intensity running lights (HIRL)
Engineered Material Arresting System (EMAS) 162′ long x 170′ in wide located 35′ off departure end of RW 22
RW22 has:
runway end identifier lights (REIL)
Engineered Material Arresting System (EMAS) 324′ long x 170′ in wide located 50′ off departure end of RW 4
RW10-28: Visual runway, length 4,300′ x 150′ wide grooved asphalt with medium intensity runway lights (MIRL). RW10 has REIL and VASI (V4L); RW-28 has REIL only.
AVP has four main aircraft resting areas:
General Aviation/Corporate Apron – A 1,000′ x 352′ asphalt apron capable of handling B727 Aircraft. The apron is under the direction of Aviation Technologies and is the main corporate/GA Ramp with short/long term parking and access to four major hangars and the Fixed Base Operator (FBO) facility.
South General Aviation Apron – A 440′ x 300′ asphalt apron, which is also under the direction of Aviation Technologies. This apron has 400′ of frontage for future hangar development.
Main Terminal Apron: Scheduled Airline/Charter Apron – This apron is in the SIDA (Security Identification Display Area) and as such remains “sterile”. GA/Corporate/unscheduled aircraft are not permitted access to this apron without prior coordination through the Airport Public Safety Office.
Air Cargo Apron – A 400′ x 300′ concrete apron serving as primary parking for air cargo operations and wide body civil/military aircraft. Use of this apron also requires prior coordination with the Airport and FAA Air Traffic Control Tower.
NOTE TO PILOTS: Confirm initial status of information via NOTAMS and current A/FD for AVP
Approach Control: 126.3(090-269), 124.5(270-089),256.7
Tower: 120.1
Ground Control: 121.9
ATIS: 111.6
Unicom/FBO: 122.95
ASOS: 570/457-3111 On Field Direct Observations
Williamsport AFSS: 800/WX-BRIEF or 570/368-8131; 122.6, 122.2
Weathermation: Modem Access 570/451-0956 (Weather Information System)
VORTAC: 111.6 LUZ Ch53 N41-16.37′; W75-41.37′
348, 4.2NM to field
Crystal Lake NDB: 410 CYE N41-12.62′ ; W75-49.91′
043, 9.1NM to field
RW04, ILS / DME: 109.9 I-AVP Ch36 LOM Barty NDB
RW22, ILS / DME: 109.9 I-IZK Ch36 LOC 30 left side of course.