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ADA Services & Accessibility

At the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport, we recognize that air travel can become a stressful experience when a traveler is not a frequent flyer nor familiar with flying.

In an effort to meet the needs of all our passengers, we are working to improve access for special needs travelers whenever improvements are planned for the Airport. Some of the services AVP currently provides include:

AVP Information Center

The Information Center is located near the middle entrances on the first level of the Terminal Building.

Airport Ambassadors are available to assist travelers with questions or concerns regarding ground transportation, baggage issues, airline services, concession inquiries, special needs and TDD services. 

AVP Accessibility

When the word accessible is used, it means that the item conforms to State and Federal codes.

For those using wheelchairs, AVP offers specially designed ramps, curbs, doors and elevators. Located on all three levels of the Terminal Building are signs that feature Braille to assist the visually impaired. In addition, seeing-eye dogs are permitted in the Terminal Building and on aircraft (please check with your airline).

Airline ticketing and baggage claim are also accessible. Upon prior request, airlines offer special escort and transport services with wheelchair assistance provided from the curb to the security checkpoint. 

Terminal Facilities & Services

On Terminal levels 1 and 2, AVP offers many facilities and services to its passengers to make traveling as pleasant an experience as possible.

On the first level, AVP offers airline and rental car ticket counters, and a commuter boarding lounge. The second level offers Lucky’s Craft Food & Drink, Dunkin’ Donuts, and Northeast PA News & Gift. The second level also houses administrative offices, a Meditation Room, and a jet boarding lounge. Both levels are accessible using a wheelchair and passengers may be met at the gates through the security checkpoint.